Spirit Aikido Online

Spirit Aikido Online is a program consisting of a subscription to video content I provide on a constant and ongoing basis. The goal of these videos is to provide you techniques, training drills, and exercises to expand your martial art training to make your aikido more well rounded and self-defense capable.

I put this program together as a way to do what I love most with aikido and martial arts: work with people and share concepts that can help them grow. Over the years, I've gotten to meet and become friends with martial artists from all over the world. Unfortunately, it isn't possible to get on the mat with all of them due to the distance. So this program is a way to share what I would if I were in person, things which I've found most useful and practical - as well as how to train it and guide students to making them work easily and quickly.

The beauty of the internet tools allow for sharing this material and to collaborate. It is my interest is in working with you on making what I share part of your aikido, and going beyond just sharing videos and connecting with you to assist in helping you become comfortable with teaching this material.

All videos are shot in full 1080p resolution, and have excellent clarity.

There are two levels of subscription available:

Gold Subscription - The full feature subscription level
• New videos released every few days
• Full access to all previously released videos
• Access to mentoring where I can help troubleshoot and answer questions directly

Silver Subscription - A limited feature subscription level for people on a budget
• 8-10 new videos available per month
• When a new month's videos are uploaded, the previous ones become unavailable
• You may upgrade to the Gold Subscription anytime for full access to all the content

You can subscribe here: Spirit Aikido Online

Feel free to Contact us directly if you have any questions.

Check out Spirit Aikido on Facebook:

Video Index as of July 4, 2022

001 - Drop Step
002 - Intro to Ground Work for Aikido
003 - Tsuki Iriminage
004 - Tsuki Kaiten Nage
005 - Ground Mobility and Getup
006 - The Sit Out
007 - Tsuki Kata Gatamae
008 - Standing Leg Lock
009 - Uchimata Backup
010 - Three Clinch Defenses
011 - The Shrimp
012 - The Bridge
013 - Sayunage
014 - Shomenate
015 - Side Control from Take Down
016 - Kesa Gatamae from Take Down
017 - Shoulder Stop
018 - Arm Drag
019 - Arm Drag Drill
020 - Sankyo
021 - Close Range Shomenate
022 - Zenponage
023 - Level Change
024 - Fundamentals of Leg Take Downs
025 - Leg Take Down Defense 1 - The Frame
026 - Leg Take Down Defense 2 - The Sprawl
027 - Standing Shoulder Pin
028 - Head Covers and Basic Drills
029 - Knee Shield
029 - Offensive Head Covers
030 - Tight Kotegaeshi Turnover
031 - Spiral Drop
032 - Rokkyu Test Criteria
033 - Pygmachia Guard
034 - Philly Shell
035 - Coup de Pied Bas
036 - Push Kick
037 - Chasse Bas
038 - Fuete Kick
039 - Ground Shell
040 - Knee Safety
041 - Ankle Pick
042 - Active Drill - Arm Drag
043 - Active Drill - Sankyo
044 - Active Drill - Kotegaeshi
045 - Active Drill - Pass Under
046 - Active Drill - Combination Pummeling
047 - Escaping Closed Guard
048 - Stacking a Closed Guard
049 - Introduction to Knife Defenses
050 - Knife to Throat - Rokkyu
051 - Knife to Belly - Hiji Garamae
052 - Knife to Belly - Sankyo
053 - Knife - Combination Drill
054 - Head Butting
055 - Knife to Upper Back
056 - Knife to Lower Back
057 - Knife Stab to the Body - Supported Frame
058 - Knife Stab to the Head - Supported Frame
059 - Knife Stab to the Head - Take Down
060 - Slashing Drill
061 - Low Kick Drill Against a Knife Wielder
062 - Knife Stripping
063 - Arm Drag to Zenponage
064 - Arm Drag to Kokyunage
065 - Arm Drag to Iriminage
066 - Slap and Grab
067 - Punching Mechanics for Aikidoka 1
068 - Punching Mechanics for Aikidoka 2
069 - Punching Mechanics - Double Hip
070 - Punching Mechanics - Shoulder Whirl
071 - The Jab
072 - The Jolt
073 - Forearm Strike
074 - Forearem Strike to Pad Drill
075 - Active Getup Drill
076 - Tackle Drill
077 - Guard Reversal to Getup
078 - Mount Reversal to Getup
079 - Spiral Kokyunage
080 - Bouncer's Spin and Control
081 - Jiyu-Waza 1
082 - Jiyu-Waza 2
083 - Jiyu-Waza 3
084 - Moderning Aikido Weapons
085 - Cane Grips
086 - Warmup Sequence
087 - Ude Garamae
088 - Cane Basic Strikes
089 - Cane Power Strikes
090 - Wing Block
091 - Wing Block 2
092 - Cane Basic Blocks
093 - Cane Hanging Block and Drill
094 - Cane Halfsword Blocking
095 - Nikkyo Fundamentals
096 - Nikkyo Variations
097 - Ambush Response
098 - Ambush from Behind
099 - Shoulder Grab and Punch
100 - Hiki Otoshi Fundamentals
101 - Kopo Otoshi
102 - Arm Drag to Hiki Otoshi
103 - Cane Range Drill
104 - Cane Complex Blocking Drill
105 - Knee Atemi
106 - Safety Lift and Drag
107 - Body Lock Fundamentals
108 - Body Lock Entries
109 - Outside Heel Hook
110 - Inside Heel Hook
111 - Cross Heel Hook
112 - Sosa Sankyo Cut
113 - Alternate Shoulder Pin
114 - Zanshin Drill
115 - Kaiten Nage Fundamentals
116 - Kaiten Nage Application
117 - Shoulder Pin for Big Strong Uke
118 - Dropping the Knee
119 - Knee on Head
120 - Front Snap Kick Defense
121 - Side Kick Defense
122 - Roundhouse Kick Defense
123 - Spinning Back Kick Defense
124 - Muay Thai Thigh Kick
125 - Turning Kokyunage
126 - Arm Drag to Turning Kokyunage
127 - Weaponized Hiji-Otoshi
128 - Tenshinage as a Backup
129 - Sayunage as a Backup
130 - Weaponizing Sayunage
131 - Tenshinage to Side Control
132 - Front Rolls
133 - Back Rolls
134 - Tenshinage to Kesa Gatamae
135 - Troubleshooting Ikkyo
136 - Ikkyo Rollover
137 - Reverse Ikkyo
138 - Randori Intro
139 - Head Slip Drill
140 - Closing Drill
141 - Athletic Stance
142 - Deflections to Control Position
143 - Spiral Drop from Control Position
144 - Tenkan Throw from Control Position
145 - Option Drill
146 - Option Drill with Additional Threat
147 - Attack Drill
148 - Randori Inside Kaiten Nage
149 - Randori Outside Kaiten Nage
150 - Head Control Kokyunage
151 - Randori Rag
152 - Randori Hiki-Otoshi
153 - Funamental Randori Maneuvering 1
154 - Funamental Randori Maneuvering 2
155 - Fast Nikkyo
156 - Tight Nikkyo
157 - Body Drop Drill
158 - Body Drop Kokyunage
159 - Body Drop Drill from Oncoming Grab
160 - Iriminage Backup for Kotegaeshi
161 - Hard Shoulder Grab to Shomenate
162 - Hard Grab and Pull to Iriminage
163 - Pygmachia Guard Entry 1
164 - Pygmachia Guard Entry 2
165 - Pygmachia Guard Entry with Atemi
166 - Pygmachia Guard Entry to Kaitenage
167 - Pygmachia Guard Entry to Spiral Drop
168 - Double Collar Tie to Head Control
169 - Active Head Control Zanshin Drill
170 - Throw Down to Sit Out Reversal Drill
171 - Side Control Escape 1
172 - Side Control Escape 2
173 - Cross Face and the Frame
174 - Straight Iriminage
175 - Drop Step Shove
176 - Against a Wall Shove
177 - Ghost Escape from Side Control
178 - Leg Over Escape from Kesa Gatamae
179 - Udegarame from a Punch
180 - Sankyo to Standing Escort
181 - Sankyo to Shoulder Throw
182 - Weapon Draw Control
183 - Weapon Draw Outs
184 - Body Language Intro
185 - Language of the Eyes
186 - Eye Contact Trap
187 - Body Language - Posturing
188 - Body Language - Blading and Ranging
189 - Spotting the Ramp Up
190 - Introduction to Atemi
191 - Forearm to the Neck (Cuffing)
192 - Bone Strike Swat
193 - Shoulder Stop Atemi
194 - Bone Strike with Sayunage
195 - Elbow Spear with Iriminage
196 - Rotating Body Deflection to Kaiten Nage
197 - Loading the Foot
198 - Outside Kaiten Nage from Rotating Body Deflection
199 - Arm Capture to Crushing Drop
200 - Kotegaeshi Sumiotoshi Variation
201 - Reactive Head Roll
202 - Body Drop Exercise
203 - Self-Defense Entry - 1st Variation
204 - Self-Defense Entry - 2nd Variation
205 - Self-Defense Entry - 3rd Variation
206 - Self-Defense Entry - Supported Frame
207 - Deflection with Fishhook
208 - Deflection to Weight Drop Kotegaeshi
209 - Ikkyo Drill Focused on Hip Rotation
210 - Shodo O Seizu Drill
211 - Headlock Defense with Live Drill
212 - Guillotine Defense with Live Drill
213 - Double Elbow Capture Escape
214 - Ushiro Ryo Tekubi Dori Sankyo
215 - Ushiro Ryo Tekubi Dori Sayunage
216 - Slap and Grab to Sankyo
217 - Slap and Grab to Forearm Drop
218 - Sayunage for Ushiro Attack Variations
219 - Enkay
220 - Enkay with Iriminage
221 - Yubi Dori 1
222 - Yubi Dori 2
223 - Reverse Nikkyo
224 - Handshake Yubi Dori
225 - Kuzushi 1 - Shoulders
226 - Kuzushi 2 - Hips
227 - Kuzushi 3 - Knees
228 - Proactive Technique - Nikkyo
229 - Proactive Technique - Kotegaeshi
230 - Nikkyo to the Shoulder
231 - Nikkyo Through the Elbow
232 - Proactive Technique - Rokkyo
234 - Henka Practice 1 - Side Control
235 - Henka Practice 2 - Kesa Gatamae
236 - Henka Practice 3 - Leg Takedown
237 - Agility Ladder - Lunge Step
238 - Agility Ladder - Pendulum Step
239 - Agility Ladder - Sidesteps
240 - Agility Ladder - Diagonal Step
241 - Push Kick Drill
242 - Nikkyo with Head Defense
243 - Straight Iriminage
244 - Deflection to Iriminage
245 - Deflection to Iriminage Tenkan
246 - Deflection to Kotegaeshi
247 - Wall Shove
248 - Wall Shomenate 1
249 - Wall Shomenate 2
250 - Outside Shomenate
251 - Shomenate from Behind
252 - Grab to Ikkyo Variation
253 - Grab to Iriminage
254 - The Fish Hook
255 - Elbow Grab to Rag
256 - Elbow Grab to Sumiotoshi and Iriminage
257 - Shoulder Grab
258 - Nodotsukiage
259 - Fixing a Twisted Sankyo Position
260 - Fixing a Sankyo Against a Tight Shoulder
261 - Proactive Rag - Single and Double
262 - Proactive Spin to a Choke or Iriminage
263 - Shomenate or Nodotsukiage into a Choke
264 - Ankle Pick
265 - Kihon Waza - Kotegaeshi
266 - Kihon Waza - Sankyo
267 - Kihon Waza - Tenshinage
268 - Kihon Waza - Nikkyo
269 - Kihon Waza - Ikkyo
270 - Kihon Waza - Yonkyo
271 - Kihon Waza - Rokkyo
272 - Kihon Waza - Sayunage
273 - Guillotine
274 - Duckunder
275 - Clinch Sayunage
276 - Clinch to Cross Face
277 - Clinch to Foot Block
278 - Clinch to Foot Sweep
279 - Proactive Grab and Spin
280 - Clinch to Snap Down
281 - Tenkan Nikkyo Drill
282 - Grab and Punch Defense Approaches
283 - Grab and Punch to Shomenate
284 - Grab and Punch Head Movement Counter
285 - Grab and Punch from Behind
286 - Drag Down Dropping the Knee
287 - Guard Pull Dropping the Knee
More to come!